Saturday, February 27, 2016

Writing Fireside in the Dark

Writing Fireside in the Dark

Writing fireside in the dark,
Waiting for inspiration,
Praying for a spark,
Wondering if some Angels will come singing, "Hark!"
Writing fireside in the dark.

The stars are still silent in the sky,
Flying above treetops,
Can't help but wonder why,
I ask as I sit here, waiting patiently for reply,
The stars are still silent in the sky.

The fire spreads in circles of light,
Fading every inch,
But still fighting the night,
Bright the light flickers but shadows make it hard to write
The fire spreads in circles of light.

Beyond the light I cannot see,
Wondering what's out there,
Looking back at me,
My imagination soars as I dream of what could be,
Beyond the light I cannot see.

I'd rather believe something is there,
I'd be somehow less lonely
If out there some where
Just because they're silent doesn't mean they don't care,
I'd rather believe something is there.

My face is warmed by the fire,
Though my back is cold, 
And my feet are tired,
Still I'm in silence waiting for that angel choir,
My face is warmed by the fire.

Writing fireside in the dark.
The stars are still silent in the sky.
The fire spreads in circles of light.
Beyond the light I cannot see.
I'd rather believe something is there.
My face is warmed by the fire.
Writing fireside in the dark.

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