Wednesday, July 31, 2013

A Cool Breeze and the Calming of a Ripple

A Cool Breeze and the Calming of a Ripple

I looked out my window today and saw God's love
Towering in the budding leaves on the trees above
In the simplest of places, there sat two morning doves
Huddled close together lessening the chill of the breeze
In the warmth of the other they found a comfort impossible to create on their own
The breeze meant to chill, but brought them together as the sun's heat never could.

I looked at the river saw God's love there too.
In the reflection starting back at me and you.
In the strangest of places, two familiar faces, weathered but I recognized us two.
It's hard to imagine all the forces, all the tools that God has to use
In bringing together two souls searching, looking for something, not knowing what
But stumbling into the perfection of each other in the possibilities of us.

I wonder where it will be the next time I see God's love
In our children finding someone, or will it be another dove
Caring in the world is not of the past like we often think but hiding in the small
Kindness does not drought, like the rain that comes and goes or the pain that oft' times flows
Against the toughest odds, though we cannot believe what we do not see
God is working for you and for me, maybe with a cool breeze or with the calming of a ripple.

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