Monday, July 29, 2019

In Plain Sight

In Plain Sight
For Velma and Chuck in memory of Chris

We can’t always see it,
The light that lights the world.
It just is, and no longer dark,
But sometimes when the angle
Is just right, and the certain slant
Peaks through the shadows,
And there’s just enough mist
Or dust, or something, the ray
Reveals itself, visible in a line
Straight to heaven. And we don’t
Think angle then, but angel,
And not mere dust, but breath,
Holy and illumined, and our heart
Finds rest. Such times are not just
Nature, but miracle, given at just
The right time, like a rainbow,
Or a friend, or the answer to a prayer.
Again we find peace, passing all
Our understanding, but unmistakable
In our hearts as knowing feeling,
And thus more true and more beautiful
Even than the sunflowers standing
There in plain sight, just right.

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